Click on the image and sign up for the Instagram account

If you would like to have images, printed or to be printed, to hang at home or wherever you like, as a digital background or other, please contact me. I make drawings, using the “DrawBike” style I invented.
The easiest method is to provide you with a high-resolution image, usually a print-ready pdf file, in the size you prefer. Or I can send you the print already made.

For more information, orders and clarification, please contact me by clicking the button below.

But how was DrawBike born?
In 2019, with the start of the Giro d’Italia, I start a bit by accident, a bit for fun, drawing bicycles on slips of paper, in a hurry, without precision in the mark.
I open an Instagram account and start posting what I had produced. I continue until the end of the summer. when I stop due to other commitments. I decide, however, that in 2020 I would start again and indeed try to create more involvement, not only drawing but also taking this project on my bike rides, thinking of something perhaps too big.

Click on the image and sign up for the Instagram account

Instead, 2020, the year of the pandemic, everything stops. There was no point in involving people at that time. Everything comes to a standstill. But I don’t abandon this idea, and although the account was at a standstill, I get requests to make custom designs with the bicycles of my, very, very few, followers. Unfortunately, I can’t please everyone, because this is not my line of work.

We are at the end of 2022 and, after regrouping, I decide it’s time to start again, in stages this time, not with the somewhat over-ambitious ideas of late 2019.